Matches are held on the Second Sunday of the Month. Please check the calendar for specific dates and contact information of the match director.
Minot Rifle and Pistol Club (MRPC) is an USPSA affiliated action pistol club. We are open to the public and you do not need to be a member of MRPC or USPSA to participate. NEW SHOOTERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.
If you are tired of standing in one spot and just putting holes in paper, then this is the sport for you. There is no need to come and watch prior to your first match. Just come to our regular monthly match and we will give you an introduction to action pistol, safety and shooting. Every month many first-time participants get hooked on Action Pistol.
Bring your UNLOADED gun (in a bag or case), a holster, and a couple of magazines (with holders, if possible) and a Range Officer (RO) will explain where and when you may handle your firearm. You will be given a short range safety briefing and an introduction to the rules before the match starts.
Once the match begins, you will be guided by more experienced shooters.
Don’t worry about whether your firearm is suitable for USPSA – bring what you have. There is a division for almost any center fire pistol.
Match Day Setup begins at 8:30am. The fun stages, that everyone likes to shoot, generally take quite a bit of setup time. We would like everyone to show up early to help, in any way you can, with setup. With more people helping, we don’t have to rush at the last minute in order to get everything finished by 10:00am.
If you don’t know how you can help, DON’T be afraid to just ask when you check in. This is a volunteer sport and it is what you help make it.Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation. The MRPC match staff and match directors look forward to seeing you at the range.
Wes Thomas III USPSA Representative
8:30 AM – Stage Preparation
The match stages are designed ahead of time, but are assembled the morning of the match. Volunteers are always welcome and make this task much easier.
9:00 AM – Registration
The match stages are designed ahead of time, but are assembled the morning of the match. Volunteers are always welcome and make this task much easier.
9:50 AM – New Shooters Safety Orientation
All shooters that have never participated in a USPSA match are required to attend this short safety briefing conducted by one of the Range Officers.
10:00 AM – Shooters Safety Meeting
The Match Director will give any final instructions related to the days match.
10:05 AM – Match Begins
3:00 PM - Match Ends
Staying afterwards to help break down the stages and putting away stage props and equipment is very much appreciated and is part of this volunteer supported sport. Plus, we often go out for dinner afterwards!
Copyright 2021Minot Rifle and Pistol Club Inc.